A continuation of the “Breaking of” series, where the princesses are subjected to rather devious foot torments of a tickly kind >:3
Short Story Written by Arcadias:
Subject: Twilight - Day #0 Log
It has been many years and many tireless hours of research, but at last, the seeds we have planted have finally grown fruit. And what a sweet fruit it is. Our organization may be small, small enough to go completely unnoticed by the world, but our members are determined as they are prodigal. And through their inexhaustible wit and prowess, we are now ready to finally scratch the itch that’s demanded satisfaction for far too long.
Although this is meant to be a scientific journal, I’ll spell it out bluntly. We as a group lack any agenda. We do not yearn to conquer, obtain riches, acquire fame, no. We were united by our simple yet intense love of feet – and our desire to torment them beyond believable measure.
For such a pursuit, we have chosen one Princess Twilight Sparkle. She’s utterly delectable, for starters. But her real strength lies in her alicorn will and endurance. To truly test the limits of our wonders, these things will prove quite the necessity. We also have somewhat of a personal vendetta. It is because of this pony we’ve had to remain in the shadows for so long, adding years of unnecessary labor to our work. If not for this, perhaps we would have picked someone else, like her Pegasus friend, Rainbow Dash. But for her troublesome nature, it is Twilight who we must utterly and absolutely break.
In the shadows, we have bided our time. Stalked and observed, without even the single rustle of a bush. From this, we have learned she was going on a weekend scientific journey to inquire as to the nature of a new breed of hallucinogenic fungi popping up in the Everfree Forest. And she was going alone. Nobody was going notice if she was to vanish this weekend.
That poor girl. I could almost feel sorry for her. She had no idea the dark turn her life was about to take…
Subject: Twilight – Day #1 Log
Alicorn she may be, but a cloth soaked in chemicals strong enough to knock out a dragon smothered around her muzzle from behind was always going to do the trick. Once she was limp in our arms, it was the simple matter of portalling back to our base.
Funny thing about our lair. It’s affected by state of the art time dilation magitech. One day outside is one hundred and eighty three days inside here. As such, this little weekend getaway of hers is now a full fledged year to be spent with us and our… machinations. Though, this magic has the added quirk of not actually aging anyone inside its effect. An uncontrolled variable, but one we find most agreeable.
Nevertheless, while she was thoroughly out cold, we took the liberty of replacing her clothes with our, once more I say, state of the art life support suit. Increased air flow for superior breathing (something she’ll most certainly need when she laughs and screams herself breathless), while also decreasing hunger, thirst and sleep pangs and other so called “necessities”, ensuring we can keep her under torment for as long as we desire, with practically no risk of her passing out on us.
We did however, let her keep her shoes on. It’s simply too satisfying to peel them off while they’re awake. A few more moments matters not anyhow, as her feet won’t feel the inside of shoes or socks for a whole year, after all. They hardly even belong to her anymore! Our perpetually bare, naked playthings. Oh, and how we plan to torment them…
As to be expected, she asked all the usual questions a new captive would. “Who are you?” “What is this place?” “What are you going to do to me?” And well, we chose to answer honestly. We’re a group of highly skilled individuals who have created a facility purely with the intent of torturing her feet beyond what she could ever take for a whole year. Needless to say, telling her this then proceeding to slowly pull her sneakers and socks off caused all the color to drain straight out of her precious purple face. These were the soles of a bookworm, a library bound upper class alicorn who’d nary seen a hard surface in her life.
Her first reaction once her footwear was gone, was to reach for her magic. Her horn sparked to life, but quickly fizzled out, thanks to our particularly malevolent jewellery stopping her from even weaponizing a single spark against us. Next she tugged at her restraints, particularly her arms, but they too were stuck in heavy bondage, hands stuck into useless fists within their containment. She wouldn’t even be able to clench them, let alone anything else.
Upon realizing neither her magic or physical strength was going to save her, she resigned to meek whimpers and protests, bare toes flexing idly as they began to dreadfully anticipate the stimulation they were about to undergo. Though, for as bright as her imagination would be, I doubt she really comprehended just how intense this was going to become.
We weren’t going to keep her in the dark for long, no no. Next we set about the delectable process of immobilizing her feet. An essential part of the process, as even if the rest of her is thoroughly tied down, she could still find ways of lessening what we intend to do to her. Shakey toes, flexing soles… even if the interruption to her gargalesis is beyond trivial, we simply cannot have it. Naturally, we have bound back every last one of her toes, tightly, as well as stabilizing the sides. They’ll have to endure anything and everything we do to them now.
By the time I finally started dragging my fingers up and down her plush soles, she was so anxious and tense she practically exploded with laughter already! Mere seconds. Of fingers. With no enhancements. She was to be even easier to break than we imagined, but we were never going to simply be content at just breaking her anyway.
My nails took no small degree of relish plunging into the warm purple flesh as she giggled and squealed her mind away. They could barely even twitch to defend themselves! I so hope she was finally starting to realize just how doomed she was.
I continued using my hands for some time. It wasn’t optimal, but I just couldn’t stop! Her soles were so warm and smooth to the touch. Were I not in polite company I’d have gone far further, but alas. Besides, I cannot convince myself to feel too guilty, it’s only day one after all. Hundreds of days left for these cute little purple feet! If nothing else, she’s ticklish enough that my fingers do a plenty adequate job in driving her up the wall anyway.
All this said and done, her feet have fourteen hours of scheduled tickling a day, divided into two seven hour sessions, with another four hours dedicated to… well, we’ll get into that tomorrow, shall we? My fingers are feeling hungry for alicorn toes again already.
Subject: Twilight – Day #2 Log
Twilight fared well and poorly all at the same time. A stronger pony may not have squealed quite so much. But she refused to beg or lose her resistance. How curious. Then again, as skilled as my personal touch is, I can no longer abide by such comparatively ineffective methods. This was just a warm up.
After her sessions yesterday, we introduced Twilight to how she’ll be spending the hours before her scheduled sleeping time – her feet bound in a soaking vat of our most prized solution for four hours straight.
My oh my, what doesn’t it do. It softens her feet, yet makes impervious to harm and friction. It prevents nerve adjustment and makes them more sensitive, and yet immune to magic, meaning no amount of spellwork will undo this process. You heard correctly. This is permanent. And best of all, it has no upper limit, meaning her stay here will only find itself getting more and more intense every day. Finally and most simply, it’s also a great lubricant and facilitator of tools. This neon pink ooze works wonders, to say the least.
One may think having her feet stuck in a little pool of goo for four hours sounds mightily boring. Not so! The solution tingles like mad, a strange stimulating sensation that’s neither tickly, painful or itchy but somewhere inbetween all three. Such a bewildering sensation leads to some interesting noises to be emitted, I might say.
Nonetheless, it was day two. Her feet have been freshly enhanced, and restrained in the same way as yesterday (which is to be the norm, naturally). For now, we’re still taking a hands on approach. I and the other staff on rotation (when I let them have a turn anyway) have gone beyond using just fingers, and have advanced to a repertoire of simple tools.
Hairbrushes scraping her arches, toothbrushes and combs between her toes, forks ploughing her soles, a bit of everything! Variety is the spice of life, and we love to keep these ticklish little peds guessing what horrible implement is next.
Two hours of pinwheels prickling every inch of her supple skin, and we even got our first “please stop!” How precious. It’s finally starting to get to her. Perhaps we’ll keep this method of treatment up for just a little while…