Original Description:
Did I mention yet that I absolutely love Derpy? ^^
For this work I was inspired by a beautiful vector by BurnedPigeon, go check it out as it’s really cute –> burnedpigeon.deviantart.com/ar…
I thought “Wait, why does this pose and perspective remind me of a movie poster?”, so in my own intepretation I decided to add some details to give the idea of an actual poster you might find outside your favourite cinema (My, how I wish they did a movie focused on Derpy :love: ). However, I was too afraid to ruin it to add any kind of background ^^; maybe I’ll go back and draw it when I’m more skilled. I only added the title and the “starring”. Why “Aloha” as a title? Dunno, that flower in her mane made me think at an hawaiian island ;p
Hope you like it :)