Original Description:
Princess Rubellite Tourmaline
Nickname(s): Ruby
Parents: Princess Celestia, Queen Chrysalis
Species: Changeling/alicorn
Orientation: Trans lesbian (She/Her)
Build: Tall and lanky
Cutie Mark: Gold sun with pink and purple rays
Special Talent: Light magic
Occupation: Heir to the Sun
Residence: Canterlot Castle
Voice Claim: Nicole Byer
Bubbly, upbeat, and eager to please, most ponies would say that Rubellite “Ruby” Tourmaline has a lot more in common with her mother Princess Celestia than with her other mother, Queen Chrysalis. While she spends some time training to harness her magic and become a successful ruler, Ruby enjoys a fair amount of luxury in the castle and has enough time to get up to all sorts of shenanigans. Ruby has a penchant for getting into trouble (usually after getting caught pulling a prank) and adores sweets. She can be rather naive and trusting of other ponies, and some ponies might describe her as “ditzy.” Despite everything, Ruby does her best to be kind to other ponies, even though some of them are still afraid of her.
As the daughter of two of the most powerful ponies in Equestria, Ruby naturally has a lot of innate magical ability, but she tends to have more trouble actually using it because she lacks concentration. She excels at displays of raw magical power, but struggles with more precise operations.
While many adults regard Ruby with wariness and even outright suspicion, children will often run over to her to look at her unusual mane and/or horn. Ruby loves the attention and will sometimes spend some time shape-shifting for them. She doesn’t like being feared and she tends to become a lot more tired and subdued when the weather’s very cold.
Ruby has gotten very good at sneaking out of the castle when she wants to go somewhere alone, aided by her extensive knowledge of the castle’s secret passageways and her shape-shifting abilities. The royal guards assigned to her have a field day trying to catch up to her (she’ll usually leave clues as to where exactly she’s gone, just so nopony thinks she’s been kidnapped or something).