Original Description:
Rarity and Applejack have begun moving into their first home together, after getting most of the boxes inside the couple decide to relax a bit and watch a romance movie before heading to bed.
Applejack: wraps an arm around Rarity How’s it feel Rares?
Rarity: How does what feel darling?
Applejack: Ta be movin into a house with the pony you love?
Rarity: Oh. It may not be the way I’ve dreamt of since I was a filly, smiles and leans her head into Applejack’s shoulder but I couldn’t be happier.
Applejack: giggles to herself Well Ah may not be a prince in shining armor, leans her head against Rarity’s but Ah can sweep ya off yer feet just as well.
Rarity: I know darling, lets out a soft yawn but that’s not the only reason I fell in love with you.
Applejack: gives Rarity and inquisitive look What’s the other reason?
Rarity: You always seemed to know what to say to pick me up when one of those “princes” let me down. starts to doze off
Applejack: smiles Ah did didn’t I?
Rarity: mumbles as she nuzzles up to AJ Um hmm, starts snoring softly
Applejack: Guess that movie was pretty borin, kisses Rarity’s forehead Night Rares. flips through the channels until she finds a western to watch before carrying Rarity to bed
My Little Pony belongs to Hasbro