Original Description:
In Wichita, Kansas, Bright Mac and his son, Big Macintosh, are at a park, sitting on the grass for some guitar practice.
“Father, I’m so glad you’ve taken me with you for some guitar practice.” Big Macintosh told his father, as he wasn’t used with guitars as much as his two younger sisters, who have played guitars on more occasions compared with him.
“Indeed, I will help you learn how to play one in case you haven’t already.” Bright Mac told his son, as he would show him the way on how playing a guitar works the right way, even his wife told him the same before.
Bright Mac started playing the guitar in a calm way holding the guitar despite keeping his voice silent. Big Macintosh watched him play the guitar so nice and silent, he felt like he was dreaming himself playing the guitar in his own way. “If only my sisters came with me, they’d know they be much good as our parents.” He said, comparing his sisters with their parents for being so good with guitars.
“Are you ready to try this on your own?” Big Mac asked his son, wondering if he was ready to try it himself. “Eeyup!” Big Macintosh replied in a very brave way, knowing he would get into the use with guitars as much as his sisters and parents.
Having a father-son bond with each other, Bright Mac passed the guitar over towards his son, and would watch him play the guitar on his own. “Make sure you have your hooves placed in the right position.” Bright Mac reminded Big Macintosh, hoping that he will play the guitar correctly without any problems.
Big Macintosh carefully held the guitar in his hooves properly while remaining seated. Then, he played the strings on the guitar slowly and gentle.
“There, you got it!” Bright Mac told his son, already looking impressed with his son playing the guitar the right way.
Soon Big Macintosh felt himself playing the guitar much like the way his father, mother and Applejack have done. Even so, he played the guitar for about two minutes, impressing his father.
“You actually did good, my son. You make me so proud when you play the guitar like we all do!” Bright Mac told his son, amazed with how he learned playing the guitar the right way.
“Thanks a bunch, father!” Big Macintosh responded, always thankful for his father for anything.
Bright Mac looked so calm towards this son, eventually liking how he saw his son play the guitar so gentle like most ponies would do. “You did so good my son. You know, you might be just as good as my wife and Applejack as long as you practice more.” He told his son, being sure that his son will play the guitar a lot more in the future.
“Eeyup.” Big Macintosh replied again, as he happily hugged his father for helping him practice the guitar, knowing that he will soon see himself as a great guitarist much like how Pear Butter was back then.