Original Description:
I wanted to come up with an idea about ponies turning into monsters ponies. So I made Gooey Gum, Silky Web and Severus for this idea.
A goo pony that lives in The Everfree Forest, a spooder pony that lives in a cave, and a snake pony that lives in a abandoned temple somewhere in the everfree forest.
Severus used to be a pegasus that would go out and explore different areas around Equestria. Her last trip she had was in the the Everfree Forest, and unfortunately she was never seen again… Until one day, somepony found a old temple and… A big snake pony with wings inside that looked a whole lot like the pegasus who went in the forest. (Long story short, this pegasus found this old temple and touched something inside that transformed her into a snake pony, with the only thing on her mind, hunt, fight ,and eat~)
This is Severus but with a new look