Original Description:
It was a few years back that i started to make art, first with Ponies, and then mixing that MLP content with Scat, and during all that time i’ve continiuously refered to myself a female, when in reality that is not true. All that time, i feared that people would not care about another male artist in the bunch, specially a new one that was just starting fresh, asking for chance in the saturated world of Rule 34 and fetish porn.
Time has passed, and now I’m expanding my horizons, making more and more variety of content, not only focusing on Pony art; basically i want to be more well known in the rule34 scene, get recognition and take my art to new people, but in order to do that, i need to do it as the real me, no more masks, no more pretending to be something i am not. So, I want to apologize to those who have believed that i was a girl, I didnt mean to mock anybody, I simply was just trying to grow as an artist, i thought that lying about my gender would help me to get accepted more quickly,
But now i’ve realised that i never needed that, thats not how things work: I should have my art do the talking, keep making content for everybody to enjoy, and be honest from this moment on about who truly am. My mission is to keep doing art, and that is not gonna change, that is my call in life, and i should answer it .My OC will still remain the same, because even if im a male i’ve always felt more more comfortable with a female sona, like many other artists out there, but its time to keep going forward without a mask, as i said. I want to thank you for taking a moment to read these words, and to stick around, because Art and fetish content will continue, as long as i have hands and i still breath.
Moon Perl Out, but creating Content, now and forever!