Original Description:
Originally posted on: June 4, 2018, 1:02 PM UTC
MLP [Next Gen] Amore
I n f o r m a t i o n
Name: Princess Amore
Gender: female
Species: Pegasus
Age: 21
Personality: serious, calm, closed
Mother: Princess Cadence
Father: Shining Armor*
Siblings: Flurry Heart (younger sister), Crystal Dust (youger brother)
Short bio: Amore was born healthy pegasus. Thanks to the large and strong wings, by the age of 5 she could already fly freely. Because of her flying skills, at age 7 she was sent to a flight camp in Cloudsdale. Every year Amore went to this camp. Thanks to the wings she was the best. When Amore became a little older, little Flurry was born. Everyone was surprised by the power of this little alicorn, including Amore.
At a higher age, Amore was supposed to go to camp competitions. But she could not get there because of injury. During regular training in her free time, Amore decided to do a rather dangerous trick. Unfortunately, she failed to do this and she suffered a serious injury to the wings. After this incident, she could no longer even rise into the air. Because of this, they began to laugh and scoff at her. This made her withdraw into herself and become more serious.
Amore left the dream of becoming a wonderbolt and moved into custody. She decided to follow in the footsteps of her father*
Art by DinkyDooLove
Base by TeePew
mlp base: she is so beautiful