Original Description:
These two famous Canterlot citizens have been together as long as most anypony can remember. There are tabloids dating back to when these two were just entering their twenties, raving about the young philanthropist Fanciful Pants seen on a candlelit date with Prench supermodel Fleur. They hosted a whirlwind romance and have been married for quite a few years by now. In public, they are the picture of sophisticated grace, Fleur often hanging from her husband’s forearm and giving soft giggles at each statement. Some ponies might see a rich stallion and his trophy wife, benevolent and kindly on the outside, but we all know how ponies with money truly are. However…that’s not exactly the case with these two. Of course, coming from privilege, they can certainly appear shallow and snooty at times, but these two are actually quite down-to-earth the majority of the time, and are very much in love with one another. They never hesitate to share a small kiss in the store, or small nuzzle while attending a play. When in private, they quite enjoy a good cuddle and can spend hours at their beachfront cabin in Prance lying in bed, reading and conversing. While children were never an immediate plan in their relationship, a little bundle of surprise arrives in the form of their daughter, Vanity Faire.