Sunset Shimmer y Sunset Glare sus Cutie Mark son diferentes al igual que sus pensamientos y clase de vida que ambos poseen por ejemplo
Sunset Shimmer es amable y feliz
Sunset Glare es frío y serio
Sunset Shimmer convive con sus amigas especialmente con Sci-Twi
Sunset Glare no convive mucho con sus amigos pero si convive todo el tiempo con Scherzo Lesto al que perdono y lo considera parte de su familia
La única cosa que ellos dos tienen en común es que al final aprendieron el significado importante de la magia de la amistad
Cutie Mark de Sunset Glare by Mytri-Atari
In english:
Sunset Shimmer and Sunset Glare their Cutie Mark are different as well as their thoughts and kind of life that both have for example
Sunset Shimmer is kind and happy
Sunset Glare is cold and serious
Sunset Shimmer lives with her friends especially with Sci-Twi
Sunset Glare does not live very much with his friends but if he lives all the time with Scherzo Lesto, whom he forgave and considers him part of his family
The only thing they have in common is that in the end they learned the important meaning of the magic of friendship
Cutie Mark by Sunset Glare by Mytri-Atari