Original Description:
Alrighty so this is a REDUX of my old half-assed nextgen (hence the name Duxverse). I’m putting effort into it this time! Wonder’s the next pony to get a redesign.
Name: Wonderstruck
Gender, pronouns: Female, she/her
Species: Pegasus pony
Cutie mark, special talent: A wrench, hammer, and several nails, symbolizes Wonder’s skills in engineering
Occupation: Train engineer
Parents: Twilight Sparkle and []
Siblings: Nova Spiral, Starla Dawn
Wonderstruck is usually seen as the least well-rounded of the Sparkle children. She’s not exactly impolite, but she doesn’t take any guff and she isn’t afraid to keep it real. She’s been around enough nobles and royals that she can recognize bullshit a mile away, and she doesn’t take kindly to it. If she’s got a problem with somepony, she’ll face it head-on. No point in beating around the bush when you could just chop it right down. This has made her a faithful mediator in some situations, and a huge prick in others. She’s brutally honest, and she has trouble realizing that she can’t just tell everypony how she feels without consequences. She’s trying to be better about that.
Wonder loves her siblings, and won’t hesitate to tell them as much. She gets along well with them for the most part, but she and Nova butt heads pretty often. She’s a realist, he’s a romantic. She has a hard time not rolling her eyes when he’s being anxious or over-dramatic about something. She knows the two of them just have different personalities and different outlooks, but she still can’t be with him for long periods of time without losing her patience. Their relationship is better in small bits. Starla, on the other hand, is a happy medium between poetic and pessimistic. Wonder finds her very entertaining, even if the filly can get annoying after a while. She doesn’t spend as much time with Starla as Nova does, but they’re close.