Original Description:
Cheerilee is a well loved teacher in Ponyville from the children. She puts love and care into her teaching methods for easy and fun learning. This anthro version of Cheerilee carries a huge custom pair of scissors with her on her back like a sword. She uses it as both a recreational tool and a melee weapon…a very deadly melee weapon. Just like all earth ponies in this Equestria, she possesses superior strength so she can easily protect herself unless she’s up against either a unicorn and their magic or another earth pony that possesses much higher strength.
Cheerilee was preparing her next set of teaching material before the New Year comes and ends while the kids are at home enjoying their week off. However, a tiny visitor has unsuspectingly made an arrival in Cheerilee’s twin Cheerilees. She’s also aware of shrunken humans mysteriously arriving in Equestria and is ordered by Twilight to bring them safely to her. However, before anyone finds any of them and does that, they love to mess around with them first. Whether it be playfully, sexually, mostly for kinks, using them as an excuse to get out of something, for evil, it goes on. Cheers doesn’t like interuptions while putting her full focus on her school preparations and the human’s random arrival doesn’t help much. She thought of swallowing him down as a quick little snack, but thought more on it. Hopefully Cheerilee will get him over to Twilight before she reconsiders.