Original Description:
Thanks to yangiscool, for “Tall Princess”.
Thanks to autinbrony, for “Mega Bounce”. Featuring a wardrobe malfunction.
Thanks to vile-flesh, for “Curvy”. The hottest Mrs. Cake I think I will ever draw.
Thanks to Antionette, for “Sports Illustrated”.
Thanks to Natalia for “Origami”. What happens when you ask someone who likes being clever.
Thanks to Charlie, for “A Crease in Time”. What happens when you ask someone who likes puns.
Slightly unrelated I have several art books and every now and then they’ll take a nice expansive piece put it across to pages.
So you have an ef’ing fold in the middle.
Dumbest thing.
What’s not dumb, is giving me suggestions of what to draw, check out my latest status for this week’s theme.
As always, thanks everyone who submitted, another fun week.