Original Description:
Pinkie’s uncle Shoo isn’t exactly on the run from the law, but… he isn’t not on the run from the law. He’s one of the Infamous Three, a group of troika-driving wandering stallions in western Equestria who lend a hoof to anyone in need along the way. Sometimes this means helping kids get out of their abusive homes, transporting valuables for an elderly pony who’s moving, or fixing up broken-down carriages, but sometimes it means helping outlaws escape their punishments. When approached by somepony who needs to get the hell out of dodge, Shoofly will ask them why, usually followed by some form of “I’ll know if you lie, мой друг.” If they have a good reason, the Infamous Three will help them. If they don’t, they won’t. If a pony is running from the police because they stole a loaf of bread to feed their sick child, the trio won’t hesitate to get them out of trouble. A little chaotic good never hurt anypony, right? These edge cases are why they’re called the Infamous Three– they’re often accessories to crime, non-violent as they may be.
Shoofly Pie, Igneous Rock Pie’s brother, is the head of the gang. He’s big, loud, and, above all, fun. If you’re sad, Shoofly will scoop you up in his troika and drive you around town, jumping over fences like hurtles, singing loud enough to scare off pedestrians, and just being an absolute madman. He has no qualms about stealing from the rich, confusing the heck out of LEOs by playing pranks on them, or practicing a little civil disobedience.
Wanderlust was a geologist and teacher back in Hallow Shades. He was revered and respected by his students and fellow professors, and he had a good life– until he saw something he shouldn’t have while on a spelunking trip in the caves beneath Canterlot. Ever since, he’s been on the run from the royal guard. He knows a lot about the geography and culture of most cities in Equestria, so he acts as the team’s encyclopedia, tour guide, and negotiator.
Bardolino, AKA Bard, is the mysterious one. He’s a sharp-shooting, gun-slinging, smoke-spitting old cowboy with a story behind every one of his scars. He can’t fly, but he can use his wing to give himself an extra boost when he’s running or jumping, and he’s probably the fastest of the three. Shoofly and Wander don’t really know where he came from or what he’s after, but they love him anyway. He’s usually the group’s voice of reason– though, if you get him really excited, he’ll go absolutely buck wild.