Original Description:
Originally posted on: December 7, 2019, 12:21 AM UTC
Christmas |YCH|CLOSED
All of these are €15 or 1500 :points:!****–
Rules:****-If you would like to pay with points:points:, please pay with the widget on my front page!
-Please mention the number/name of the sketch you’d like to buy, and the character you’d like me to draw.
-The end result will include a lightly shaded chibi drawing with a transparent background/colour background, featuring the selected pose you choose from.
-All YCH featured here have multiple slots!
-Payment in front, Paypal or Points only
-My PayPal is roy_hel@hotmail.com
Holidays| YCH Result |Cloudzapper8 by RoyvdHel-Art
Holidays| YCH Result | CigarsCigarettes by RoyvdHel-Art
Holidays| YCH Result | WinterFrostDragon by RoyvdHel-Art
Holidays| YCH Result | SleepyNova by RoyvdHel-Art
Holidays| YCH Result | Guttatus by RoyvdHel-Art