Original Description:
“Umm… This is delicious” the giant plane pony said while eating and munching a circular shaped bread, popularly known as a bagel or beigel. The Beagle plane pony kept going on with her tasty donut bread “Mmm, so good” she said, sitting peacefully in a bunny position, too focused on the task to actually care how she sat down.
“I would imagine you like it?” the gunner of the plane pony asked, looking back at the happy plane pony, she nodded happily and kept eating “How come I’ve never eaten something like this!” she said in between bites.
“Well, I’m not sure how they made those giant bagels, but I’m glad you’re enjoying it, they were made specifically for you!” the tiny gunner said while looking back at her.
The plane pony idly wondered a bit, the half-eaten bagel still between her both forehooves. “Um… no idea… is there any name on the box?” she asked, looking at the gunner.
“Umm…” the gunner started, walking towards the box and around it. “Uh… it doesn’t say anything, just that someone confused the word Beagle with Beigel” he said, giggling at the typo.
“Aww… I wanted to personally thank whoever made those for me!” she asked, looking at the box with a slight frown, then kept eating her breakfast bread. “Yum…”
“Hah, you’re cute like that 2210” the gunner said, getting close to her hindhooves and looking at her and how cute she looked.
“T-thanks?” she said, her camouflaged face blushing a little while looking at her crewmember. “Do… Do you want a bagel too? I would imagine half of one is going to fill you fully” she slightly teased, looking back at the micro pony and the giant bagels.
“Oh, don’t worry, those bagels are for you anyways” The gunner dismissed the idea, considering that it would be impolite to eat her friend’s food.
“Oh don’t worry Chang, I insist, eat one of them, they’re really good!” she said warmly towards the crewmate, bringing one of the donut-shaped breads in her hoof and slowly placing it in front of her, right next to the tiny.
“Well… if you insist, let’s see how they are, never tried one” he said, idly looking at the relatively gigantic bagel almost his size. He came closer to it and took a little bite. “Hey… this is good”
“Told ya, feel free to eat it, I’ll probably be eating some and leaving a few for both Pham and Cuong, I’m pretty sure both will be very happy of receiving one of those” She said, smiling gently towards the tiny pony in front of her while both enjoyed their respective bagels. The camouflaged plane pony not having any problem in sharing her food, considering how just some very little portions were pretty much a copious meal for the micro.
Can you spot the bagel and the beagle? :P
Drawing of the Illyushin Il-28, I really like the aircraft but I found the Soviet Air Force too mainstream and went towards the North Vietnamese Air Force/Vietnam’s People Air Force, the plane pony itself it’s based off a camouflage pattern I’ve seen when searching for the Il-28 in Vietnam’s service. I’m unsure if they were actually used in the Vietnam War (Heard somewhere that on 9 October 1972 a Il-28 and a Il-28R bombed an American base) but let’s just say that this big plone isn’t on war right now :P.
Tried to test a new sitting position, also called bunny sitting, because I found it adorable. The background is a lame attempt at mimicking Vietnam’s vegetation, though it probably looks more like a beach XD. The two aircraft on top in the background are Mikoyan Gurevich MiG-21.
Fun fact: This whole drawing was made because I have the annoying tendency to confuse Beagle with Beigel or Bagel, and as so, I end up saying “Il-28 Bagel”. (And I swear to the sea that I didn’t even know there was a board game related to beagles and bagels, in hindsight is kinda funny.)
(I’m not being racist, the names I took literally from a game revolving about the Vietnam War, I swear to the sea that they’re supossed to be vietnamese names)