Original Description:
Another “just for fun” picture I worked on while being incapacitated by a terrible cold.
This is inspired by [DON’T] Ask Silverlay #39 - Enough? [G] and [DON’T] Ask Silverlay #41 - Enough? #2
Whisper Call crashed Silverlay’s Ask Blog to help deal with more “transformation request spam” (most of which aren’t even phrased as questions), using her most powerful voice spell. This spell forces her voice into a powerful sonic blast; it can shatter glass, blow away almost anything that isn’t nailed down, and temporarily deafen any creature caught in it. Whisper cannot throw her voice while doing this.
The drawback of this spell is that it requires so much energy that Whisper can generally use it only once, and Whisper will suffer from a painful sore throat for a long time afterwards. :(