Original Description:
To improve my drawing, I tried to multiply the possible universes to designate the characters
1) Twiluniverse (Twilight is an Alicorn)
This universe is the basic universe of the series, Twilight directs Equestria and this one takes my next gen of base (ship random) : Fluttershy x Rockhoof and Fluttershy x Discord.
2) Bluebelleuniverse (R63)
Buttterscotch (Fluttershy R63) met Nitpick Skirt (Quibble Pants R63) at a conference on exotic animals. Nitpick Skirt was dragged there by Rainbow Blitz. After long months of waiting for a sign from her friend, in order to change their relationship from friendship to love. Nitpick Skirt ended up turning to Butterscotch who was more attuned to her feelings. After many meetings, the Pegasus overcame his shyness and offered the mare to live with him in Ponyville. After a few years, they had a little green filly, which they named Alocasia.
3) Sunsetverse (Sunset Shimmer became a princess before Twilight)
After being bitten by a vampire bat, Fluttershy became a vampire pony, adoring apples, but living normally, with her family. She eventually met Discord, and after many years of friendship, he ended up marrying her. From this union were born two children: Hamadryas (purple) and Morpho (orange), two hybrids with immense powers.
4) Chrysaluniverse (Chrysalis, reformed, leads Equestria to the side of Luna)
5) Noprincessuniverse (The Alicornes don’t exist)
The unicorn Fluttershy, great stylist of Equestria, lives peacefully in Canterlot with her companion Octavia and their adopted daughter, named Symphony.
6) Eviluniverse (The bad guys lead Equestria)
As part of the rebellion, Fluttershy was captured by Discord, in order to be sold to the other villains. However, facing her gaze, Discord could not separate herself from the Pegasus and began to know her. Months passed, and the two beings ended up falling in love with each other. Unfortunately, since their union was forbidden, Fluttershy panicked when she discovered her pregnancy. She gave birth to a colt, which she called “Hope”, because it represented the espoire of a new world, where all creatures live in harmony.