Little drawings telling us about the relationships of the three; Gabby, Sweetie Belle, and Smolder!
this is the Blissverse btw lol
1- “Gabby Griffon! Nice to meet you,” The grey she-griff said, shaking the white mare’s hoof. “Oh, um.. I’m Sweetie Belle…” she introduced herself. Her white pelt started to turn red with happiness and awkwardness all at the same time and the Gabby put her talon on her back. “Hope we can see each other soon again, Sweetie!” She said, as she spread her big grey wings and took off into the sky.
In the Blissverse, Gabby and Sweetie Belle met when they were young adults. Gabby was slightly into Sweetie at the time, and Sweetie was totally into her. After Gabby’s visit to Ponyville, she came back a couple of times to see her, again and again and again, until they officially were a dating couple.
2 - “What’s wrong?”
Smolder looked up, and saw the most prettiest of white unicorns she’d ever seen. “Nothin’” Smolder told her, crossing her arms. “Leave me alone,” Sweetie Belle could tell something was wrong. The oranger dragon was upset about something. She didn’t want to be nosey, but what was she upset about? Could Sweetie Belle help? The unicorn sat next to her, facing away. “I know you’re upset Smolder,” Sweetie said, kindly. “I’ll listen to you… just tell me?” Sweetie said. Smolder sighed. “Gallus and I just broke up. He’s gay for Sandbar.” She admitted with a tone. Sweetie looked down. “I don’t think ‘being gay for someone’ is a bad thing,” she said, thinking about Gabby. “It’s not,” Smolder said. “I support him, it’s just…” her voices started to fade. “I loved him… I really did.”
Sweetie Belle knew what it was like to love someone… then lose them. “I’m sorry, Smolder.” Sweetie Belle twined her tail with Smolder’s. Smolder wanted to pull away, but she couldn’t. Her heart fluttered with emotions, stronger than what she felt with Gallus. “
”Thanks, Sweetie Belle.” Smolder told her, trying to hold her blush. “Thanks, for listening.”
So yeah, basically the Moccaverse is a AU of the MLP verse, and the Blissverse is an AU of the Moccaverse lol. Everybody’s gay or apart of the LGBT community (a world I’d love to live in). So Smolder and Gallus dated, but they broke up cuz he and Sandbar are together. Smolder’s scales are rubbing off on Sweetie :3
3 - Gabby wasn’t upset when Sweetie told her about Smolder. In fact, she embraced her into their relationship, forming small feelings for the dragon as well. Smolder’s still adjusting to the two ladies lol
4 - Next gens yay! I made bio’s for these two a few days ago, so I thought I’d add them into here. I’ll be putting them in a separate drawing of course, where you can read about them!