Original Description:
MLD ImperialFlutterRainbowmon
Fluttershy and Rainbow DNA digivolution! With 90% Rainbow dominating the form. But Fluttershy’s hairstyle and eye color is in there… Fluttershy’s getting her own thing don’t worry. I think that’s it for the crests, Kindess being a bonus. So I think I’m moving to Digimon TamersMLD SeraphCelestiamon by Foxgar
MLD AngeLunamon by Foxgar
MLD HerculesSparklemon by Foxgar
MLD PhoenixCadenzamon by Foxgar
MlD RoseRaritymon by Foxgar
MLD AppleVikemon by Foxgar
<da:thumb id=“731497883”><da:thumb id=“730476113”>