Background: Warped Winesap because of his heritage does not have a cutie mark, and as such doesn’t really feel like he fully belongs anywhere, especially because he doesn’t seem to have any big ambitions to fuel himself. He is content enough to stay around Sweet Apple Acres and attempt to help out, even if his presence often causes some chaotic moments. Winesap is nervous around ponies he doesn’t really know and likes to stick to known groups.
-Caramel x Troubleshoes Clyde-
Name: Sour Praline
Special Talent: Truth seeker
Small Story/Background: Sour Praline is an unfortunately forgetful and sometimes skittish young pony, but that doesn’t seem to discourage him from trying to dig into curiosities. Because of his short memory he is constantly toting around a book of notes gifted to him by his father Caramel. Fueled by Troubleshoes’ own troubled past, Sour Praline is obsessed with finding out truths, even if he sometimes can’t remember his own findings… to his own annoyance. Praline, with his usually sour expression and sometimes scaredy-cat reactions is commonly overlooked, however he shouldn’t be underestimated. His obsession with wanting to find answers and proving people wrong/right is often fueled by spite.