Original Description:
- “Mommy, why ish your thummy bigger?”
“That means your brother is getting stronger and bigger”
“Can i pway withh him?”
Cheerilee chuckled. “Not yet, honey. He still needs some time.”
Wonderbloom has always been curious about everything and his mommy being pregnant was very weird to him so of course he’d ask a ton of questions.
“Wow Mom, he’sh sho thiny!” Wonderbloom exclaimed, this was way more exciting than other things he has seen. Twilight put on an exhausted smile.
“Not so loud honey, you little brother needs some rest.”
“Ish thhath whath babiesh do? They jushth shweep?” The pink colt tilted his head, clearly confused.
“Yes, babies do that a lot. But Nebula needs a bit more than just sleep-” Twilight stopped herself, not wanting to confuse her son with medical terminology. “That’s why he’s been at the doctor’s for so long. You’re his big brother now and that means our whole family has to help him, even you. Are you up for the task?”
“Of courshe!” The young unicorn said. He didn’t fully understand but he knew he had to look after Nebula.
Nebula’s pregnancy didn’t exactly go smoothly. He was born too soon and barely made it. Twilight and Cheerilee were very stressed and scared but tried to not show it to their son. Nebula’s lungs weren’t properly developed after birth and needed constant care in the hospital. Bloomy had to wait around 2 months to see his little brother. And you bet he was up for the task of being a big brother. Nothing big, just little Nebula Shine
So, here it is! I really wanted to publish this sooner but I simply had to redesign Nebula’s and Wonderbloom’s color palettes. I am very satisfied with them and I’ll include those lil sketches comparing the new and old colors below. Please do not repost my art and have a lovely day!