Original Description:
Rarity: “Umm…. a diaper, darling?”
Pinkie: “Yeah, it’s really thick and crinkly.”
Everyone is silent
Pinkie: excited “Want to see?”
Rest of Mane 7: “Umm….”
Cheerilee: “This isn’t class appropriate, Pinkie.”
Pinkie gets up from her seat, showing off her diaper
Pinkie: “Can you see?”
Rainbow: “Pinkie!”
Fluttershy: blushes “Oh my…”
Pinkie turns around and bends over on her chair
Sunset and Twilight: “Stop!”
Derpy: “Hey, I’m wearing the same diaper too.”
She puts her butt to her screen
Derpy: “See?”
Applejack: “Derpy, you aren’t on screen. We also… ah don’t want to see it.”