I don’t know how long it was before i started thinking about Patchers as my pet. For the longest time ha was just another animal around the Sanctuary.
An animal who tolerated my chaotic antics. Thrived on them even. Thats how we bonded.
However. When animal show day rolled around, It was Patchers of that I brought, not wanting to be left out.
However. At that point, I had already becaome a bit of a social pariah around the other students. I found myself overshadowed by the cooler kids, with their way cooler pets, while no one wanted to give me or my ”weird little rat friend” the time of day.
I know a mouse is hardly as impressive as what Blue brought, with his father being a breeder and tamer of a particular strain of domesticated Rainwolves.Or Grayris with his two headed Suport-Orthros. The big animals were definetly the big attratcion that day. Even the comon animals, like Pebbles with his pomporous cat, or Bubbles with her beautiful goldfish were receiving praize from the kings of the playground. Even Goldilocks with her perfectly ordinary bunny were more well recieved. …
Im not saying its a matter of popularity … I did not have to bring a pet to school that day. Like Starburst. She did not even have a pet. Nor did she try to borrow one for this event. She just willingly excluded herself from the whole affair. And did not care what others thought …