Original Description:
Hi everyone! Hoping all is well. This was a mere sketch at first but it turned into this whole thing with like over 20 layers. This is all just for fun and of course, MLP belongs to Hasbro entertainment and I’m just sharing an art piece I just made. It’s not my best because this was originally just a sketch, but I thought I could share it. IMO, Fluttershy with short hair is sooo cute ;w; and ofc AJ needs the signature flannel. I based the skin colors on a rough estimate tbh like how light or dark their coats were in the show, like making Rarity very fair-skinned because her coat is white and Twilight darker because the shade of purple is darker. The reason I’m saying all this is because I’ve seen controversial comments on MLP humanized art before, so I just wanted to say if you get offended by how I chose to picture them, I’m sorry though it’s just art from a show about ponies. I’ll probably do a genderbend of the mane 6 in the future, so maybe stick around if you’d want to see that. I might do pony form and human form. Please don’t copy, trace, or claim my art. Hope you all enjoy!