Original Description:
Pinkie is ordered by Twilight to safely bring any shrunken humans that ended up in Equestria to her while keeping them away from the more dominant and brutish types like Lyra, Cozy, Gilda, Chrysalis, Tiara and Silver, etc. She brought several over, but there are times when Pinkie enters her alter ego from having a rough day making demanding cake orders at Sugarcube Corner or anything else. She likes time alone at night when entering this state to reflect before going to bed. However, a small group of micros she missed that were hiding from her in her bedroom were spotted hiding in her blankets and very quickly got out before she accidentally crushed them under her body. Little did they know, they’re in Pinkamena’s presence in her room and the insanity that comes along with her. Not the young happy go luck party goer’s presence…