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“Well, you’ve certainly grown into your own person… and then some.” Though, Sour muttered that last part to herself, Twilight chose to look past it… for now.
“Well, thank you. I appreciate that you didn’t have to resort to any name-calling.”
“Yeah, I almost wanted to say something like, I don’t know, Twilight Wobble or Wideload Sparkle,” the Crystal Preppie chuckled to herself.
As much as it stung a bit, Twilight once again shook it off. “Of course. Even if you did, I can still be the bigger person and take it with grace.”
“Well, that must be pretty easy for you, Dump Truck Sparkle.” Sour once again teased as eyed Twilight’s massive rear.
Twilight just calmly smiled and said, “I think you mean Bump Truck.”