This picture was commissioned by

. The request was to turn Diamond into a llama/giraffe hybrid. They provided the following description:
Day 1: Diamond: “Whoa. *hiccup* This soda is really fizzy. *giggles*”
Day 2: Diamond: “Why are you looking at me like that?”
Apple Bloom: “You look a bit taller, that’s all.”
Diamond: “Some of us just develop faster than others.”
Apple Bloom: “Well, enjoy the weather up there.”
Day 3: Diamond: “Of course I’m normal. I just got a bit taller.”
Silver: “You look like a giraffe.”
Diamond: “Well, I’m part giraffe…”
Silver: “Since when?”
Day 4: Diamond: “Baaaa~ Whoops, sorry about that. I tend to baa when I’m happy”
Sweetie: “It’s okay, Diamond, I think it’s kind of cute.”
Diamond: “Hmph, whatever.”
Day 5: Diamond: “And mama was like- OW!”
Scootaloo: “Diamond, are you alright?”
Diamond: “Yeah I think so…”
Day 6: Diamond: “Heeey Scootaloo, has there always been like 3 of you and a floating carton of milk? *giggles*”
Scootaloo: “Alright girls, let’s get Diamond home.”
Applebloom: “I don’t think her parents will be happy to see her like this.”
Sweetie: “What if we found her some new parents? She looks kinda like Pinkamena and Flatterpie’s Daughter”