You agree to a cup of tea. In response, Discord snaps his claw, replacing the table and cushions you are sitting on with a giant cup of warm tea.
You and the others are startled at first, but Moonflower soon begins to enjoy the unexpected herbal bath, while Celestia continues to stare unamusedly at him.
Discord: “You’re quite welcome. Let me know if you need anything else!”
Celestia: “(sigh) Are you quite certain that you don’t mind?”
Moonflower: “Are you kiddin’? This is super fun!”
You agree with Moonflower, and decide to ask Celestia and Discord if they know anything about the Yggdrasil tree.
Discord: “Oh, that old thing? Well, of course I would know about it; that tree must be at least as old as time itself!
Thanks to its roots growing into the Nine Worlds, it even managed to survive burning to the ground during the fall of Midgard. Quite the show, if I do say so myself.
Anyhoof, if you don’t mind year-long overcast weather, I suppose it’s not half a bad vacation spot. Hmm…”
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