You go outisde to check the mail. Inside the mailbox, you find an envelope from Crystal Charm, and a small package from Leaf Chaser.
In the envelope, you find a letter. The letter reads:
“Good morning, Trailblazer! I hope you and Moonflower had a fun night. I went to investigate the cave near my campsite, and found my way to Starfalls Town. I think I saw one of your flags on the way out. Good thinking! I’ll let you know if anything comes out of this little expedition. —Crystal Charm ♥”
In the small package, you find a letter, two scarves, and two sets of socks. The letter reads:
“Hi Blazy-butt! Fall is coming, so I made you a scarf. Mom wanted to help, so she made one for Moonflower too. And socks. Anyway, thanks for the help! -Leaf Chaser”
You bring the items inside the house, and find Moonflower in the kitchen, cooking breakfast.
Moonflower: “Check it out, I made porridge! Well, it’s almost done. Hey, what’cha got?”
You tell Moonflower that Leaf Chaser sent you scarves and socks to thank you for yesterday.
Moonflower: “Oh, cool! Totally worth it.”
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