At long last, some communication. Comics are a limited medium, so assume that there was a long, looooong conversation before this. And it doesn’t stop here, but it’s a start.
Note: Guest comic submissions are now open! Guidelines
here. Current deadline: 4/13/21.
DM: So, to recap, what I’m getting from you all is… Ideally this ampaign would be striking a more relaxed, upbeat tone than I usually provide. No “gotchas” to be stressed over, no… threatening you with extremely punishing failure states.
Twilight Sparkle: And it seems like what *you* want is to encourage us to find the most “complete” victory we can. To consider all the angles and interact with the world to the max.
DM: Yeah, and up to this point I’ve been subconsciously pushing that through negative reinforcement.
Applejack: Ah think we can stand to be more thorough and proactive… so long as y’ don’t have a fit whenever we try somethin’ off the beaten path.
DM: That’s something I can work on, definitely.
Rarity: To be honest, we’re already about 90% of the way there. We really love being in this world you made. It’s very relaxing and fun.
Pinkie Pie: Yeah!
Fluttershy: It’s really nice.
DM: You think so? Even you?
Rainbow Dash: Just give me a chance to beat up some prissy ponies once in a while and I’m good.
DM: Can do.