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Original Description:
After Bumblebee and the two young ponies, Charlie and Memo learn about Shatter and Dropkick’s plan to take down the Autopony resistance and send a signal to their original base to inform of the Deceptive ponies of where the Autoponies were, Bumblebee distracted Shatter and Dropkick so that Charlie could cut the signal. Both Pegasi get seriously injured, Dropkick was in a coma when Charlie broke the device but Shatter was devastated. When she was distracted by what Charlie did and about to attack the young earth pony, Bumblebee knocks the pegasus mare to the ground and it causes her to have a broken wing. But this fight was far from over. This was only the beginning.
This is apart of my pony Bumblebee’s character arc where he discovers himself and that the civilians come first. But like always, the villains always fail but didn’t die this time because this is a cartoon.