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Original Description:
Here is another NPC of the ongoing online Tails of Equestria Pen and Paper RPG I am playing at the moment.
Technically Mycologia Mushroom (usually abbreviated to “Myc” by her friends) is a miner but compared to fellow miner ponies such as Scarlet Temper and Tunnel Vision she is not so much after metal ores as she is after mushrooms growing in the mining tunnels. Unsurprisingly she is a veritable expert about Mushrooms, their edibility, toxicity, and other effects.
She offered Crisp (the gourmet among the player characters) a mushroom while eating the same type of mushroom herself. While the two were still chewing Myc pointed out that it was one of the most poisonous existing mushrooms of which a tiny bite would cause death… but as she continued it is the dose that makes the poison. A small bite of that mushroom would be lethal while eating the whole thing would (as Myc pointed out) include such a dose of poison that the poison would poison the poison to the point that the eater would no longer get poisoned.
However that may be the very tasty mushroom gave Crisp some mild colorful halucinations.
As always with the NPC images of our pen and paper RPG there is also a version with reduced opacity to let the parchment background shine through.