Original Description:
Breaking the storm and entering the light, the Radiance was but one of many airships to turn their sails onward toward the mountain. At the base of the tallest peak within the range of mountains, they could see it rising up. The tower. The complex.
The Hall of Unity.
A cluster of towers surrounded the largest structure, a stone and wooden building massive in scale and height. Its peak touched the clouds swarming the mountains, a few waterfalls descending from its edges and falling into the seemingly-endless drop below. Fog and mist shrouded the atmosphere, but nothing could conceal the absolute monstrous fleet of airships, dragons, air balloons, and other creatures and machines capable of flight filling the heavens.
The Council of Friendship, the reinforced members and agents of T.I.T.A.N., and Shining Armor all stared in awe to what their eyes were witnessing. The sun was barely able to shine its light into the main bridge of the Radiance from the absolute astonishing number of creatures and people attending the emergency meeting at the Hall of Unity. Those like Twilight, Celestia, Luna, and Cadance knew much about the Hall. Except for Luna, they had a certain history with it.
They only wished they could have reunited with the creatures of the world on warmer tides.
With the Radiance leading the pack and descending upon one of the many erected landing platforms, the T.I.T.A.N. fleet landed safely and disembarked appropriately. Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity, Spike, and Shining Armor took in as much as their eyes and minds could hold, but even then it seemed far too much for them to handle.
Pockmarked and dotted with flying ships and creatures, the skies held every species known to Equus’ knowledge. Every intelligible species, that is. The number and scale only grew larger once Celestia and Luna led the pack directly into the tallest tower, where the monumental meeting hall stood tall and proud among the clouds.
My Little Pony (c) Hasbro