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Page 1496 - Debate Teem
16th Feb 2021, 6:00 AM in A Canterlot Wedding, Part 2Fast-talking the GM is a team effort sometimes!We ended up not doing Spudventures this week due to sickness and the holiday, but we’ll be back next week with another episode of Shadowtrot, and then the week after’s going to be pretty fun with another Root campaign!
Note: Guest comic submissions are now open! Guidelines here. Current deadline: 4/1/21.
Twilight Sparkle: Shining and Cadance have access to an incredible power source: The power of their love for each other!
DM: Really.
Pinkie Pie: <gasp!> Are you saying you don’t believe they love each other super-duper so much!?
DM: What? No! That’s not what I mean. Gosh, just look at them.
Rarity: Chrysalis specifically came here to drain the most potent love in the world, did she not? Clearly it’s an important – and potent – resource.
Applejack: And it ain’t much different from our powers of Honesty, Loyalty, Kindless, Laughter, Generosity…
DM: No, but… She drained him! He’s out of power!
Fluttershy: Just becuase she fed on the strength of his love… doesn’t mean he loves her any less, right?
DM: Well, I suppose not, but…
Rainbow Dash: Chrysalis used the raw power of their love to beat Celestia. You said so yourself. So that’s pretty strong.
DM: Why are you *all* suddenly in on this?!