Original Description:
Originally posted on: Jan 15 2021
//1// “Princess Twilight? You called me…I’m not failing any classes, am I?” “No, Luster Dawn, I’ve called you here for something much worse than bad grades.” “Oh geez…don’t tell me I’m getting expelled…for…some reason.* “No, I need your help, Luster Dawn.” “You need MY help?! With what?” “There seems to be some strange force draining life from Equestria, unfortunately my family has been unfortunate enough to be targeted first and we are getting weaker by the day. I know you are strong, Luster Dawn, so I am sending you on a quest with some friends to find the source and stop whatever it is that is effecting us. I have to stay here and do my best to protect everycreature.” “Me? But…I-I’m not ready!” “Yes you are. I believe in you, Luster Dawn. Besides, you won’t be doing it alone.” %%~ I’ve decided to start writing a story! - #mlp #mlpfim #mlpmanip #mlpnextgen #mlptwilightsparkle #mlplusterdawn #lusterdawn #twilightsparkle #mylittlepony #friendshipismagic