She missed her friends long before she was turned to stone, now everything seemed unrecognizable to her. It was thanks to the champions that Twilight was found and restored, though she wasn’t pleased of it initially. The group have never heard of Celestia, Luna, Twilgiht’s friends, or even Equestria. She was horrified, had she been away for so long that Equestria is not in anyone’s memory? What of Celestia, of the Elements of Harmony? Have they all been forgotten?
Twilight was sitting by the fireplace, the champions were curious of the princess’s story before she was petrified. Though it saddens her, she resolved to tell them her story. As much as she wished to go back, she knew it was never meant to be.
Well… Happy New Year 2021 and what a (dreadful!) year 2020 was! D:
I’m pretty sure many of us are glad that 2020 is finally behind us, but of course, COVID-19 is being a bitch to us all and would still mess with our lives. With the way things are right now, it is certain that we can’t REALLY go back to how things were, since the pandemic and the cold war really curb stomped the norms.
I just want to say that the world is in a great transition, with 2021 possibly the year that will grant us more challenges, for better, or for worse.
MLP: FiM (c) Hasbro, Lauren Faust
TFH, Them’s Fightin’ Herds (c) Manesix Dev