This is The Cutie Mark Crusaders in my art style, its very messy and I tried to go for a chibi type thing with them, but they just ended up looking like foals. :|
So anyway, this is what they look like in the Syverse, they still work as the crusaders helping others with their cutie marks, but they also kinda spreaded out into their own paths, but they still keep in touch and are close.
SCOOTALOO: Scootaloo’s wings never grew to size so she dealt with not flying, and was pretty fine with it. But she still had a sense of adventure and wanted action in her life. So scootaloo became one of the Washouts,and ended up being the best one, and encouraged a lot of people, just like her hero Rainbow Dash. Scootaloo had a lot of fun in her career and ended up meeting a pegas and falling in love. This pony was determined to be a wonderbolt, but scootaloo never broke it to him that she couldn’t fly. The colt always talked about starting a family and moving to clouds dale where they could be wonderbots together. Scoot would always just smile and nod her head, how could she crush his spirit. Over time Scoot’s boyfriend trained and ended up a backup wonderbolt! Scootaloo was happy for him, but she knew she would have to come clean soon. One day they pegas came home and told Scootaloo they should move to cloudsdale soon.Scootaloo was terrified and ended up telling him the truth. The colt was devastated.Scoot had told him he could leave and they could do long distance, but the pegas refused. He stayed with scootaloo and he began to resent her, scoot could sense they change in their relationship, but she kept quiet. Scootaloo focused on the washouts to get her mind off of her home problems. But her efforts weren’t good enough for she began to get depressed. “She told him he could leave so why does he hate her?” The colt always brushed her off and was often super rude, he acted like it was all her fault. Scootaloo started to feel sick and found out she was pregnant. She was gonna tell her boyfriend, but she found him cheating. Scootaloo sucked up her tears a with a cold look told him “go” He looked at her and left, no emotion just left. Scootaloo was so Heartbroken but she dealt. She raised her son alone, but she was happy, and ended up with Temar and had another son.
APPLE BLOOM: Apple Bloom loved potions and studied then with Zecora. She still works at the apple farm to as well as with the crusaders. Apple Boom dated Snales in her teenage years but he ended things to go out with Twist. Apple Bloom was sad but she had better things planned in her life. She was a hard worker and worked all of her jobs until she reunited with tender taps. They where amazing together and stayed best friends until one night Tender Taps confessed his feelings. Apple Bloom and tender taps ended up having One kid together living happily.