He walked up to her and leaning against the nearest table he cracked the dumbest pick-up line he could think of, “I’ll give you a kiss. If you don’t like it, you can return it.”
The mare turned to him, unexpectedly poking Cavern in the chest. “Do you believe in love at first sight or should I walk past again,” she said to him.
She’s flirting back?! Cavern was in disbelief, watching her as she giggled at his shocked expression. “What’s your name,” he asked her.
She flicked her tail at him playfully. “My name is Juniper, but you can call me yours.”
Oh man they just keep coming! Taken aback once more, he stammered out “MynameisCavernLight!”
Juniper giggled more and Cavern took a breath to regain himself. “My name is Cavern Light. Would you like to have dinner sometime m’lady Juniper?”
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And that is how the two of them met and broke the ice!