Here in this alternate timeline image, we see that King Sombra is trying to adjust to teaming up with his fellow villains after his defeat with Twilight and her friends and he joins in to exact revenge on them. During this, Sombra tends to poke fun of the other villains for their failures and how much he is better than all of them, much to Queen Chrysalis’s and Grogar’s annoyance. In this image, we see that Sombra is arrogantly saying that he is fabulous, much to Grogar’s and Chrysalis’s chagrin. This is also when Cozy Glow and Lord Tirek found out that Sombra is alive and back on the team. LOL She hides in Tirek’s fur in the similar way as in Season 9’s premiere. LOL Hope you all like this. LOL
Lord Tirek and Cozy Glow vector by :iconcirillaq:
Grogar vector by :iconandoanimalia:
Queen Chrysalis vector by :iconphucknuckl:
King Sombra vector by :iconetherium-apex:
Background and Characters by Hasbro. ^^ :D