
Suri Polomare is at it again, but this time, she is huge and attacks Manehattan. Without the Mane Six, will the citizens of Ponyville be able to stop her from destroying the city? Or will the city of Manehattan fall apart?
I’m calling this “SuriZilla”.
Suri Polomare vector by Melisareb: >>2307153  
Manehattan by Abion47: >>2297828

safe2259867 artist:abion4768 artist:melisareb626 suri polomare1514 earth pony630500 pony1926165 absurd resolution74867 bipedal47853 city7076 cityscape1264 crystaller building97 eyes closed139103 female1711713 giant pony6550 giantess6896 highrise ponies1144 macro16994 manehattan1318 mare924962 mega giant938 rearing7676


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