The idea behind it is that the events of “Putting Your Hoof Down” happened in the EQG Bimboverse too,in a similar way, but the difference is that after some time Iron Will returned, having realized that although Fluttershy was not satisfied with the lessons, she didn’t respect some of the contract’s customers warranty clauses (put in by Iron Will’s lawyers who foresaw a case like that happening), and now she has to pay the bill with very, VERY high intrests. Since Fluttershy cannot pay all the money, she has to compensate Iron Will by workig for him , traveling with him all around the nation and helping him set up his seminars as an intern with minimum wage. As her huge debts payment proceeds pretty slowly, she has to do Iron Will other kinds of favors, like cooking for him, cleaning his stuff and of couse having sex with him every day and every night. Fluttersy becomes Iron Will’s “de facto” slave, but she begins to like it, coming to enjoy her submission so much that she accepts to become Iron Will’s wife