Page 1454 - Reverse Dibs
10th Nov 2020, 6:00 AM in A Canterlot Wedding, Part 2There’s an extremely high density of Good Rarity Faces in this episode, my goodness.
Rainbow Dash: So the plan is: Rarity distracts the guard, and then Twilight uses her magic to tear down the brick wall.
Rainbow Dash: …Oh, right.
Rarity: Ohoho, *well* then! Looks like I’m the only unicorn in the party, so it will have to be one of *you* that distracts the guard for a change.
Pinkie Pie: Not it!
Applejack: Not it.
Fluttershy: I’d rather not.
Rainbow Dash: Nuh-uh. No way. …Dang it.
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