“This whole pony thing is kinda hard, but everyone is so nice I can’t really complain!”
Parents: Sunset Shimmer and EQG Big Mac
Siblings: Helios and Flare Burst
Gender: Female
Species: Unicorn
Allignment: Sun
Talent: Papercrafting
Birthplace: ???
General Bio:
The youngest of Sunset Shimmer’s kids. She was still quite young (10) when her father died, and they moved permanently to Equestria when she was around 14, so while they have been in Equestria for several years at this point, she’s still not totally used to her pony body, especially considering the size of it. She often trips over or steps on her own hooves, not used to the amount of space they take up.
Her closest friends are Cream Puff, Mirabelle, Sweets and Spiced Chai
Future Spouse/Partner: Raspberry Blossom