
tercera edición de plantilla de skins de vaca  
son libres de copiarlos si gustan, estoy seguro que como minimo las melenas les serviran.  
ya se, estoy loco por hacer semejante cantidad de vacas, pero es que me gustan xD  
los ocs dentro del cuadrado negro pertenensen a mis amigos (a excepcion de zethbsoul y moo chan, que son mios) y ellos me permitieron postearlos aqui.  
cow skin template third edition  
They are free to copy them if they like, I am sure that at least the manes will serve them.  
I know, I’m crazy for making such a lot of cows, but I like them xD  
the ocs inside the black square belong to my friends (except for zethbsoul and moo chan, who are mine) and they allowed me to post them here.

safe2259867 artist:zethbsoul37 derpibooru import1657817 apple bloom64382 applejack212384 berry punch7553 berryshine7511 big macintosh35606 bon bon19818 braeburn7373 bright mac1797 bulk biceps3867 button mash5020 carrot cake2555 carrot top6170 cheerilee11775 cherry jubilee1289 cloudy quartz1896 coco pommel7596 coloratura3713 cookie crumbles1478 cozy glow11098 cup cake5134 daisy2917 daring do7421 daybreaker4451 derpy hooves60159 diamond tiara12934 discord39130 dj pon-334648 doctor horse452 doctor stable455 doctor whooves11903 fancypants2579 firelight566 flash sentry15694 fleur-de-lis4919 flower wishes2771 fluttershy274112 golden harvest6170 granny smith6219 kerfuffle755 king sombra18144 lightning dust5543 lily2395 lily valley2408 limestone pie6711 lord tirek6798 lyra heartstrings35903 marble pie9013 maud pie15781 mayor mare4085 minuette7121 moondancer6526 ms. harshwhinny2932 nightmare moon21579 octavia melody28982 pear butter4103 petunia petals234 photo finish3118 pinkie pie271229 pipsqueak3426 posey shy2008 pound cake3194 princess cadance43465 princess celestia119373 princess flurry heart10244 princess luna124183 pumpkin cake2915 queen chrysalis45026 quibble pants1723 rainbow dash295965 rarity230252 roseluck6453 saffron masala1867 sassy saddles1413 scootaloo62427 screwball1625 shining armor29902 silver spoon8623 sky stinger660 soarin'18695 songbird serenade1429 spitfire16505 starlight glimmer63809 stellar flare1776 strawberry sunrise474 sugar belle3852 sunburst9438 sunny skies161 sunset shimmer85392 sweetie belle60641 sweetie drops19817 tempest shadow18601 torque wrench300 tree hugger3636 trixie83168 twilight sparkle373812 twilight velvet5952 vapor trail1404 vinyl scratch34711 windy whistles3225 zecora11756 zephyr breeze3147 oc998340 oc:apogee1002 oc:aurora518 oc:cream heart3092 oc:delta vee654 oc:fluffle puff3223 oc:kristalical emalyn1 oc:krystel53 oc:m-471 oc:milky way2437 oc:moira9 oc:moo chan1 oc:seredash1 oc:yuko31 oc:zeth b. soul8 bat pony79218 changeling82173 changeling queen42118 cow4663 pony1926165 my little pony: the movie20359 applecow122 applejack's hat14888 bat ponified5418 big moocintosh1 braemoo1 bright moocintosh1 bull biceps1 button moo1 carrot cow1 cheericow1 cherry moobilee2 clothes669540 cookie cowbells1 countess coloratura1165 cow bon3 cowbelle62 cowberry sunrise1 cowbloom11 cowboy hat25956 cowcow pommel4 cowdy quartz2 cowfuffle2 cowified744 cowloratura1 cowra7 cowrin'1 cowrrot top1 cowsey shy1 cowtavia2 cozy cow2 cup cow1 daring moo22 derpy moo5 diamoo tiara4 discow7 doctor mooves1 fleur-de-lait1 flutterbat9152 fluttercow206 granny smooth1 hat127209 heifer breeze1 king moobra2 lily vealey2 limoostone pie1 lord tirecow2 mayor moo2 moo-nuette1 mooble pie15 moobreaker2 mood pie2 moodancer2 moofire1 moolky way1 nightmare moo15 pear udder1 pincow pie184 pinkamena diane pie23482 pony town6069 pound cow1 princess cowdance15 princess cowlestia54 princess flurry cow1 princess molestia3440 princess moolestia1 princess moona46 pumpkin cow1 queen cowsalis11 race swap22601 rainbovine dash67 rapidash twilight454 rara1293 raricow866 saffron moosala1 scootamoo8 scowball1 shining armoo3 species swap36099 starlight glimmoo13 sugar veal1 sunset shimmoo38 tempest shacow2 tree mooger1 trixie lulamoo12 trixie's hat6265 twilight sparcow59 twilight vealvet1 vinyl cow3 wall of tags6061 zecowra1


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