I’ve decided that I’m going to name the upcoming mini comics series “Double Date” (Cause it’s basically the two couples hanging out with each other xD) and it’s going to take place in the Fire Pit AU! (I’m also going to use that # from now on when I do artwork involving that story/universe).
Uuuuuhm the plan is to drop the “intro” page sometime this month, and then the rest are going to be entries for the Flashlight Week! Now, I’m not going to do a comic for all 8 days (That was the original plan but I can’t think of a full scenario for every single prompt :‘D), but I’ll try to make at least three or four! So wish me luck :‘>
Also, if you’re wondering how “Legend of Everfree” went down in this AU: Don’t worry, that is a story I will tell eventually ;) (Obviously, since Sci-Twi is in a relationship with Flash, her and Timber didn’t get together, that much I can tell you xD)
And I’d also like to maybe someday expand the Ponies!Flashlight story a bit, but I think you can pretty much figure out what happenned. Starlight broke in, the princesses figured out Twily needed more security, she agreed to a single personal guard, Cadance knew “just the right one” cause she sneaky, things were awkward at first, but they got to know each other, blah blah blah. I’m not sure if I’ll ever get to actually write or draw it, buuuuuut it’s not a no ;o We shall see.