Keyframe: So, Mikey’s gonna sing a scottish song? This should be interesting.
Sweetie Bloom: Eh? Got nothing better to do.
Eliora: Just be glad you two weren’t there when Maddie heard the news-
Mad Munchkin: I can’t tell you how proud I am at this moment!
(The song begins. Snips knits a quilt, Big Mac plays the bagpipes, and Snails eats haggis. Then Mikey walks in on stilts)
I dance on stilts
While he knits quilts
Mad Munchkin: Nice quilt!
I sing with simulated Scottish highland lilt!
Mad Munchkin: Aw, beautiful!
He plays his bagpipes, eats haggis melts
Mad Munchkin: Haggis!
We feel so smart in our red tartan Scottish kilts
Mad Munchkin: Sing it, lads!
[Mikey, Snips & Snails, and Big Mac]
In our red tartan kilts, we feel so smart in our red tartan Scottish kilts
Mad Munchkin: Technically, you stitch a quilt, but otherwise lovely!
Jasper Pie: Top of the morning to you! (Pulls a lever and changes the background to ireland.)
Mad Munchkin: I’ll have you know that’s not in Scotland!
I dance on stilts
Mad Munchkin: Excuse me, sir!
He stitches quilts
(Snips knits a irish quilt)
Mad Munchkin: (tries to pull the quilt from Snips) What’cha doing with that shamrock?
I sing with simulated Northern Irish lilt!
Mad Munchkin: Irish?!
He plays his whistle
(Big Mac plays an irish flute)
Mad Munchkin: What?
Eats salted smelts
(Snails eats kippers)
Mad Munchkin: It’s not on the menu!
We feel so smart in our green tartan Irish kilts
Mad Munchkin: I got nothing on my Irish, mates!
[Mikey, Snips & Snails, and Big Mac]
In our green tartan kilts, we feel so smart in our green tartan Irish kilts!
Mad Munchkin: But this is a Scottish song!
Jasper Pie: Chip, chip, cheerio! (Pulls the lever again, changing the background to England)
Mad Munchkin: Oh no!
I dance on stilts
He stitches quilts
(Snips knits a british quilt)
Mad Munchkin: What are you doing!!!!????
I sing with simulated English Cockney lilt!
Mad Munchkin: (shouts, making Mikey fall off his stilts) ENGLISH?!
He plays his trumpet
(Big Mac plays a trumpet until Mad Munchkin steals it)
Eats crumpet melts
Mad Munchkin: (steals the crumpet before Snails can eat it) Give me that crumpet!
We feel so smart in our St. George’s English kilts!
Mad Munchkin: Well, ya shouldn’t!
[Mikey, Snips & Snails, and Big Mac]
In our St. George’s kilts, we feel so smart in our St. George’s English kilts!
Jasper Pie: Howdy y’all! (Pulls the lever yet again, changing the background to America)
Mad Munchkin: (grabs him by the vest) Stop it you! You’re ruining my moment!
I dance on stilts
He stitches quilts
(Snips knits an American flag quilt)
Mad Munchkin: American?!
I sing with ordinary unaccented lilt!
(Mad Munchkin has tied up Jasper in a a kilt and shoved a haggis in his mouth, while pulling the lever repeatedly, desperately trying to change the background back to Scotland but only ends up changing it to more american scenes)
Mad Munchkin: Oh, I’m feeling dizzy.
He plays his banjo
(Big Mac plays a banjo)
Eats cheddar melts
(Snails eats a cheese burger)
Mad Munchkin: I’m breaking up!
We feel so smart in our star-spangled striped kilts!
[Mikey, Snips & Snails, and Big Mac]
In our star-spangeled kilts, we feel so smart in our star-spangled striped kilts!
We feel so smart in our star-spangled striped kilts!
Mad Munchkin: Ughhh! (Faints)
(Keyframe, Sweetie Bloom, and Eliora burst out laughing)
Eliora: Well, it’s safe to say that Maddie livined thing up!
Keyframe: Yeah!
Sweetie Bloom: I’ll say!
Dr Wolf: I thought it was a fun repicentaion of European to American culture. By the way, I hope Maddie’s alright.
(Snips & Snails carry her off)
Mikey: Is she gonna be ok?
Mary Sue: (peeks out from behind the background) Just give him some scotch tape and butterscotch. She’ll be fine.
Mad Munchkin: Oh, my bonnie lies over the ocean!
TriviaThis is my first Equestria Ninja Girls art to feature some of the Bronyalysis.Originally, Bulk Biceps was gonna be the third back up singer, but I changed it to Big Mac.
Song “Stilts and Kilts” from Veggietales.
Equestria Ninja Girls by DarkMagicianmon