Nickname(s): Motor, Momo (he doesn’t like being called this) Age: 7 Birthday: February 16 Parents: Scootaloo (sole guardian) and Rumble Siblings: Thunderclap (twin sister) Future Spouse: Flower Power Children: Woodstock (future child), Skidaddle (future son), Tulip Tree (future daughter), Snapdragon (future son), Dust Bunny (future son) Personality:
Taking after his mother, Motocross is a little daredevil with a need for speed. He enjoys scooter racing like his mother, but approaches it from a more innovative angle, always looking for new ways to take it to the next level. His reckless speedster attitude doesn’t show it, but Motocross is also a huge suck-up to the adults in his life, avoiding cursing, doing his best in school, and anything else to impress them. Possessing both street-smarts and book-smarts, Motocross uses both to make his way through any obstacle in his path.