I know her bangs are actually on her facing side, but it looked weird. Using cartoon logic they probably flip flop sides anyway.
If you’re wondering about her homeland’s name, I’m sorry I really couldn’t come up with anything good aside from how sharp eagle claws are. If anyone has any replacement suggestions feel free to tell me
Shamir is a griffon originally from Daggerda who now resides as a knight for the church. Formerly a mercenary, she is loyal only to Rhea and in her service to repay a debt to her. Coming from a different land she does not believe in the teachings of Seiros but she does tolerate the teachings. She is very straightforward with her words and carries out what orders are given to her. While she seems emotionless in battle and cold to others, upon getting to know her one can find she actually frets quite often. Shamir is often one of the many subjects of distrust from those around her given her land of origin. Her partner is Catherine and her apprentice is Cyril. She has an excellent eye and is a very formidable sniper in battle.
Have a suggestion on who should come next? Let me know in the comments or anonymously here! > curiouscat.me/housho