Originally posted on: February 20, 2017
Still making these for my little Februar Crackship Baby project on tumblr. Still so many left, but I can only finish one more sketch page, then Imma call it done. Until then, enjoy these.Discord & Atjour Service: Floofy
Why Floofy looks like a sheep? Well, I can’t help but imagine that Draconequus genes got a sense of humour, so when Atjour’s curly hair gene entered the scene the Draconequus genes had some fun. Floofy can’t fly, but float lazily. That said, when floating you can just set up a fan to blow them away slowly. They doesn’t weight very much.Terror Twins (avatarjk137) & Atjour Service: Curie & Frostbite
Curie and Frostbite aren’t twins, avatarjk137’s Black Egg and White Snow, the conjoined twins, got individual reproduction organs so these two were conceived individually. Curie is the oldest, Frostbite was conceived shortly after her brother’s birth.Brewing Bottles (lilsunshinesam) & Goldie: Glamour
The most fabulous crystal pony you’ll ever meet and oh does he know it. Gosh I enjoyed colouring this babbu.Some of these were definitely more enjoyable to make then others. Enjoy!Moar Crackship Babies:
Crackship Babies 1 by RavenpuffCrackship Babies 2 by RavenpuffCrackship Babies 4 by Ravenpuff
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